Queue Management System

Queue Management System

NetQ Queue Management System developed in Singapore caters for multiple industries like Clinics, Supermarkets, Retail, Banks, Insurance and Vehicles. In every organization when there is a high volume of customers, it is inevitable that customers have to queue to be served. 

NetQ Queue Management System not only assist our clients to manage their queue, we also assist our clients to improve their service quality by shortening the customer’s waiting time with our formulated Queue Reports to keep track of every stage of the queuing process. Add on features like appointment booking, feedback survey also assist to improve on service quality.


Our cloud based NetQ solution provides customers with speedy deployment and real-time dashboard and reports.

F&B Queue System
To cater for F&B operations, we offer Cloud Kitchen Queue, QR Code Queue  and Payment Queue System. 
Vehicle Queue System
For Vehicle Queue System, we offer QR Code Queue System with integration to Carpark Barrier for seamless vehicle access.
Retail Queue System
For retail operations, we offer Ticket Queue, QR Code Queue with SMS reminder and payment options.
Insurance & Bank Queue System
For Bank Queue System, we offer Enterprise NetQ System that is able to interface with  customers CRM and Backend Software.
Clinic Queue System
For clinic operations, we offer Ticket Queue, QR Code Queue with integration to Clinic Software.
Supermarket Queue System
For Supermarket Queue system, we offer wireless Next Available Teller System with USB upload Advertising option. 

F&B Queue System

To cater for the post covid operations catering for food delivery  or self pickup is an important factor not to be missed. Our splash proof keypad has proven to withstand the test of kitchen environment and can be operated with oily hands. 

The system is flexible to cater for in-house dining as well as food delivery and self pickup by customers.

  • Low Cost
  • Quick to deploy 
  • Flexible design to cater for different operations
  • Durable to withstand harsh kitchen environment

Retail Queue System

Managing a retail environment can be challenging and unpredictable. To cater for retail operations, users can choose on-premise soltion or cloud solution. On-premise solution is more for setup without internet access and cloud solution will be recommended for setups with internet access.
  • Quick to deploy
  • Physical Ticket and QR Code Ticket Options
  • SMS Reminder
  • Access the system from internet
  • Integrate with payment gateway
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Clinic Queue System

Allow patients to register for Queue Ticket from the comfort of their home and come to the clinic when their turn is nearing. Our clinic queue system allows patients to register for an account with the clinic and collect a queue ticket or make an appointment for doctors consultation thus reducing the clinic's manpower requirement.

System also allows patients to make payment from their mobile device with our payment gateway integration option with the clinic's payment system.

  • self registration 
  • Be notified when patients turn is nearing
  • Integrates with payment gateway for payment
  • Supports multiple clinics from single platform

Vehicle Queue System

Manage vehicles entering your warehouse or loading and unloading of goods. Vehicle Queue System integrates with your carpark barrier system and allows your traffic controller to track and manage the vehicles entering or exiting your premises.

Together with our Visitor Registration System, traffic controllers are also able to make prior schedule for vehicles expecting to enter the warehouse and speed up the registration process. 

  • No additional infrastructure needed
  • Quick to deploy
  • Allows full control for Traffic Controller
  • Allows pre-registration to speed up workflow
  • Supports integration with carpark barrier system

Insurance & Bank  Queue System

Our enterprise level NetQ system allows for Insurance companies and Bank to deploy in the strictest security environment. Built with security and operational requirements in mind, our software has gone thru rigid security checks and proper development procedures.
NetQ Enterprise supports multiple branches and allows integration with customers CRM and appointment booking systems.
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Supermarket Queue System

Supermarket checkout counters can be a source of fustration and confusion for customers. When there are too many payment counters the staff have to shout to get the attention of the customer to proceed to their counters.
NetQ Wireless Next Available Teller deploys quickly without the need to do any wiring thus reducing the need for any downtime for the counters.
  • Low Cost
  • Quick to deploy
  • Simple usage
  • Supports Advertising when all counters engaged
  • Easy USB advertisement upload 
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